Picasso, Munch, van Gogh, and especially a magnificent Renoir.
The estimated price for the above Munch is EUR 1'040'000 - 1'340'000.
This Renoir has an estimated price of EUR 8'890'000 - 11'850'000. I would pay it, but we will see in February what the going rate is.
Last auction in Zurich had a beautiful Hodler.
Here is a Neue Zuericher Zeitung article about that auction which brought a record price (CHF 5.73 mio) for a Swiss painting:
Mit Hodler über dem Nebelmeer
Actually (in)famous Swiss politician (and industrial [EMS-Chemie]) Blocher is known to be a Hodler collector.
Here you can search for Sotheby's events, maybe you happen to be in one of those cities (you can also narrow the search down).
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